About Us

The Cognitive Intelligence and Precision Healthcare (CIPH) Research Center
was officially established on January 6, 2020, with the research directions of
“Cognitive Intelligence” and “Precision Healthcare”


Year of Establishment


International Partners


Local Partners

Scientific Research & Development

“Cognitive Intelligence and Precision Healthcare Research Center”, which utilizes psychology as the core faculty, integrating psychiatry, neuroscience, sports science and information science, etc. with using precise cognitive neuroscience instruments and adaptive nonlinear analytical methods, i.e., Holo-Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HHSA) to create a health model that integrated mind, brain and body.

Additionally, ecologically valid measurements such as virtual reality and wearable devices were involved to develop a well-established system that increased psychological resilience and physical wellbeing. The research expertise of the center includes psychology, cognitive neuroscience, sports science, neuroscience, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine, sports science, biomedical engineering, information engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics and statistics.

We have worked in the fields of mind, brain, sports science and neuroscience for more than 20 years and have not only accumulated fruitful research results, solid foundation and experience, but also established a vast domestic and international academic collaborative network. We aim to intensify the mental and physical functions by daily cognitive training as well as the appropriate physical and mental health assessments.

Furthermore, high-risk groups are expected to be detected earlier and followed by providing the suggestions for the adjuvant treatment. In addition, our group will develop preventive methods and execute a virtuous cycle of active reinforcement, active prevention, and effective intervention.

Our center focuses on the dynamic and holistic interaction of mental health, cognitive control, emotion regulation and sports in the mind, brain and physical activities, as well as the development across lifespan. We plan to utilize various cognitive neuroscience research methods and tools to identify the causal relationship between body, mind and the brain, as well as the interactive influence and regulation effect.

In addition, we will also use nonlinear adaptive analysis, virtual reality and custom-made wearable devices, etc., to effectively measure and decipher the mechanisms of cognition, brain and physiology. This may further establish the norms and integrative databases including physiology, psychology and EEG for all ages and indications, and gradually develop into an efficient health service platform.

The goal of the research center is to actively assist the public in cultivating, training, and testing of personal physical and mental health, and provide corresponding and appropriate cognitive and exercise training prescriptions. We will strive to enhance the psychological resilience, physical fitness, and cognitive reserves of the people and reduce the negative problems and risks caused by physical and mental dysregulation via our project and to achieve our ultimate goal of the ideal wellbeing of the whole person across ages.


International Partnership

We hope to build a bridge of cooperation between different disciplines and research units, and jointly actively expand opportunities for cooperation with top international academic units, so as to become a research index center for cognitive intelligence and precision health care with both depth and breadth.

Contact Us

Tel:03-4227151 ext.65210
Address:Room 607, 6th Floor, Science Building 5, No. 300, Zhongda Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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